Banner illustration of dear stranger card on the left floating into a hand of a blue handed stranger on the right with a blue background and geometric shapes.

Strangers to Strangers

Dear Stranger paper slip being placed in smiley face box with a colorful backgroiund.

Sometimes, we just need to yell into the void. No strings.

Strangers to Strangers is that – a way to connect with someone, everyone, and no one at all. It's a space to share what's on your mind and express thoughts or emotions you may not easily share.

This project delves into how we handle our inner emotions and things we want to discuss but might not be able to find the right words or the right people to say it to. It aims to link anonymous messages, questions and thoughts to other people who may resonate with it.

Dear Stranger submissions are collected and read aloud by other strangers around Philadelphia with the hope of sparking an emotional connection and bringing more empathy and understanding to others around us.

Thank you to Herman's Coffee, Tattooed Mom and Bok Building for being a part of this project.

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Made with ♡ in Philadelphia.